Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey Book Club January 8th

The Journey Book Club will meet at the church Friday January 8th from 6:30- 8:30 for fun, fellowship and the discussion of One Holy Night by author J.M. Hochstetler. Sis. Lynne and Sis. Lisa always make the evening fun for everyone. This time the menu features "healthy foods" for a dessert or entry to share. I've been singing the Sesame Street Healthy foods song ever since the last meeting...but still haven't come up with a healthy idea...anyone with an idea can leave a comment on the blog.

Sneak peaks of the book we are just finishing and our new selection.

Current Book
One Holy Night by J.M Hochstetler

Book to be passed out on January 8th Lying on Sunday by Sharon K. Souza

Seasme Street Healthy food

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sermon and Sunday school video

Pastor John's sermon Sunday was titled "This is War" What kind of message was that for the month of December one might ask? What has that to do with Christmas? Well, when we ponder Christmas we remember that down the road a little while the wise men came to give gifts to Jesus and were warned in a dream to go home a different way because Herod wanted to kill Jesus because he feared that his hold on power would be hindered if prophecy was fulfilled. Joseph also was warned in a dream to flee to Egypt until the danger was gone. You see even in the midst of the birth of our Savior the enemy of our soul sought to keep the promised messiah from fulfilling his destiny which promised to free mankind from the the grip of satan.

We have an enemy

It is important for us to understand that we do have an enemy. The Bible tells us that " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

Our enemy seeks our ruin
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1 Peter 5:8, King James Version)

We have victory
We know that in Christ we have victory over all the works of the enemy. Like Joseph and the wise men we need to listen to the voice of God and see our destiny fulfilled.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Miracles

Click here to view Pastor John's Sermon God Answers Prayer and Bro. Larry's Sunday School

We visited some folks tonight who were watching the Christmas specials. They told us they enjoy watching them every year. We liked to hear that because we do too. When we went home we found a really sweet Christmas show on Hallmark and just sat back and enjoyed it. You know the plot...a miracle at Christmas time. The show we watched dealt with broken family relationships and dealing with the grief of loosing a spouse. All this with the help of an angel....with the angel played by the mother from Everybody loves Raymond.

Does Christmas really bring miracles? Well, we know that the first Christmas was a miracle. The miracle started with the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary and her conception of Jesus... Elizabeth and Zacharias had a miracle in their old age and were able to conceive....and finally there is a the matter of a great star announcing the birth of Jesus.

I believe God always wants to do miracles that will show forth His glory. Miracles that will restore relationships, heal bodies and the broken hearted, and draw people to Jesus. Perhaps people are more receptive to believe God during the Christmas season.

The Christmas shows come to a happy ending in 2 hours or less. I like that time frame. Real life doesn't work that way. The movies always have a part where it looks like things won't turn out...I hate that part because it mirrors life....except life usually doesn't resolve itself in the quick time frame the movie does. Mary's miracle might not have seemed like such a miracle when Joseph was upset and threatening to divorce her....Zacharias was mute for the whole time his wife was pregnant and the wisemen had to skirt around Herod to avoid danger both for them and baby Jesus.

Don't discount a Christmas miracle...and don't let the problem part of the "movie of your life" change your faith in God's ultimate victory.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

God's Presence in a hectic life

Click here for Pastor John's Sermon "Get Back Up" and Bro Larry's Sunday School Class

It is the time of year when magazines have articles about how to take the stress out of Christmas preparations. We can begin to feel like the stress of everyday life will not allow the entrance of one more responsibility. The past year has brought additional stresses due to the national recession. I'm reminded that the first Christmas had some stresses too. Joseph,traveling with Mary who was due any time, had to find a place to spend the night in a crowded city where finding a room seemed impossible.
The God ordained generosity of a harried inn keeper provided the backdrop for the most wonderful birth the world had ever witnessed. In a simple barn surrounded by animals our Savior came into the world.

Are you stressed this Christmas season? Do you find it interesting that the first Christmas was surrounded by the opportunity to allow stressful situations to rule the day? Instead Joseph keep knocking and the inn-keeper opened the door (okay, yeah it was the door to the barn not the inn...but he was filled up to capacity and he did find space). Jesus came in the midst of all of this...He still wants to be the focus of Christmas and give us the beautiful gift of His presence.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finding His Presence in Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Friends

Click her to take a second look at Pastor John's sermon Stirred Not Shaken and Bro.Larry's Sunday School Class Many of you know my brother Paul is the new General Manager of Denny's which just reopened Sunday night. Here is an interview with Paul....click the video on the right of the page.
My Dad (Bro. Howard) made a statement today in study that is still ringing in my ear. We were talking about praising God in all circumstances avoiding a critical spirit. Dad said, "Complaining is the opposite of thanksgiving" That can be reversed to say, "Thanksgiving is the opposite of complaining."

This year we have all experienced both good and bad things in our life. The chioce we must all make is whether or not we will practice a life of being thankful to God and others even when it is not easy. Israel complained over and over in the wilderness. Looking at the situation we can sympatize with them....wondering how they would have food and water for themselves and their children. So they complained to Moses forgetting the tangible grace and favor of God's miracles in thier midest. We don't have to be thankful for the bad things...we can instead be thankful for God's love towards us and His ability to bring good. Next time you are tempted to complain turn it in to praise.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

God's Presence: Staying the Course in Hard Times

Sunday Sermon: You Just Gotta Say it: What Does God want You to Speak over a Situation? and Sunday School with Bro. Larry

There are many things that effect the anointing and presence of God in our lives. Last week we talked about "coming close" by developing a habit of taking time with the Lord. There is a lot more to say on that subject and we'll continue to explore it in coming weeks. My sister- in -law and I were talking this week about the anointing and presence of God in the midst of hard times. That conversation got me thinking about how staying the course increases the presence of God in a persons life.

The Presence of God in hard times.
Believers do not escape hard times...we go through them with the help of our Savior. Attitude is important to our outcome. God desires good for His children and He is not the author of confusion or things that bring pain. Yet in this fallen world we do see and experience painful events. We have two choices when faced with a trial. We can blame God and run turncoat....or we can seek His wisdom through the pain and allow Him to lead us through to safety. Some would say that loving God is a crutch to the weak hearted....the Bibles description would be that such a person reveals strength of character and faithfulness.

Stay the course
Sometime ago my husband and I attended our niece Sarah's wedding. I'll never forget the time of invited prayer at the end. There was and older pastors wife who was praying near me. We were never introduced and I don't even know her name...but her spirit spoke volumes to me. Stay the course...things happen...both happy and sad...but remember God is by your side and He will never leave you or forsake you. It sounds trite I know. Yet if you find yourself near such a person...someone who has stayed the course through good times and bad...through trials that seem insurmountable....you feel something different in their presence. A power, a strength that you can't explain. What is it?

Hard times can take us to the throne room.
Hard times or trials drive us to the throne room for wisdom and direction. They chip away at wrong attitudes and reveal the master's handiwork upon our life. It reminds me of the potters wheel story in the Bible. The clay being hard in the master's hand and its need to be softened, the spinning and shaping of the clay upon the wheel, the painted design, and the firing and final touches. In the throne room we find the comfort of His right hand upon our life. The place of refuge is found in the "cleft of the rock" or the secret place where we meet the Lord…the place where we are protected from the storms that the enemy desires to use to destroy us...the place where we are protected by His faithful hand.

Hard times can bring our focus to a walk of Dependence upon God .
It is in the hard times that we remember that we cannot do "it" on our own. I don't know about you, but I'll freely admit that I've gone through seasons where my attitude was, "I've got this all figured out". Thing is although the Lord wants us to use the gifting He has placed within us... His plan is that in these seasons of life we come to the point where we say like Moses...."I don't want to make a step without your presence Lord".

His Presence
Yes, we "Come Close" through time spent with Jesus. Make time this week to soak in His presence (you don't have to copy anyone else’s method)....also take time to ponder what it means to stay the course in hard times...times of decision, times of wonderment, times of pain, times of economic trial, times of national uncertainty, and times of unsettledness of any sort. Staying the course because you love and trust Him brings His presence powerfully in your life.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The presence of God in a Christ Followers life

Pastor John's sermon entitled "Faith Requires Follow Through" really made me think about true faith in God. Here is a link to both the sermon and Sunday School with Bro. Larry.

Lately I've been thinking about the presence of God in the life of Christ followers. The Word is filled with the concept of God's people coming into close relationship with Him. Here are a few basic ideas about devloping a relationship with the Lord.

Come Close
Long distant relationships can be fun and exciting but they can also end in failure if care isn't taken to fuel the flames. You may be thinking I'm simply talking about relationships that span miles and have to be supported by telephone calls and facebook encounters....but in truth some couples or families who live with or near each other can be like ships in the night passing each other once in awhile with no meaningful contact if they are not careful. In the Word it says, 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (James 4:8, New King James Version) I know it might seem like "works" to some....yet the truth is if we are going to have a relationship that is meaningful we are going to have to invest time and energy into it. We don't have to copy cat someone elses way spending time with God...we can work that out ourselves with Him. My husband did something special on one of our dates this fall....he took me to a State park where we could watch and listen as the waves come toward the shore. He knows that I love that sort of thing. Our everyday life doesn't allow for walks on the beach ,listening to the sounds of waves and watching the beauty of the water scene...the effort of my husband made to find something that we enjoy doing together if only for a few hours is priceless. Simple things can be very meaningful. As you draw near to God...you'll learn His Character ...enjoy what He enjoys, and begin to scratch the surface of the concept that He enjoys spending time with you and desires to bring meaning to your everyday exisitence.

Setting aside time with God is well worth the effort...when you draw near to Him...He comes to you as well. What are some tangible ways you can make room for relationship building this week? Perhaps you'll be encouraged to reach out to others that you've not had relationship with recently as well.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What is in a Sign?

Sunday Service and Sunday School: Faith To Pass On A Generational Blessing.
Many of you know that as a church we have started to save for a new sign which will be placed at the entrance of Purdy Ave. Our current sign is in disrepair. We will be building a temporary sign to be placed until we get our new one. The Bible tells us to ‘write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who hears it.” If we look at all the physical projects the church has to complete we could get discouraged…but if we take things one at a time as God directs we realize God is well able to help us.

The Sign out front will accomplish two things. First it will help our members to see the hand of God working for our good. When we drive up Purdy Ave. we will see that though we have a long way to go when we trust God and work together we can accomplish much. Each step we take builds our faith. Second the sign says to the passerby that though our building needs work we are working towards excellence. Each step is a testimony to others.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Everyone Needs some help once in awhile

Last week Micaiah Ministries came to our church and blessed us with a Word of Faith and action. I challenge you to listen to these sermons more than once to get the word implanted in your heart. When a word has truly gotten into our heart there is an action that follows that word in our daily live. Click on the LWFvideoblog to hear them.

Scooter woke up at about 4 am...she was panting and afraid... so Pastor John gave her some water...it only worked for a little while so I ended up taking her in the living room and holding her. I gave her her heart pill early around 5 am and took her outside to go potty. She finally began to settle down on the couch. Scooter is usually a good little dog and she sleeps through the night. It could have seemed like an inconvenience to have to calm her and take time with her...but I knew she was just having a bad night and she was afraid. It reminded me that there are times when we humans can be going along our path with smooth sailing only to have a patch where we are unsettled and need that extra comfort. Staying up with Scootie was worth it... as I hear her breathing contently on the couch I'm glad I was patient with her. Maybe there will be someone in your path who usually seems in tact who will need a little extra comfort. .I praise God for people God's put in my path who have been willing to give that to me when I needed it. Well, it is a little past 6 a.m. and I don't usually get sub jobs on Tuesdays so I'm going to get my pillow and settle in near Scooter for a little while. Have a blessed Day.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

God is on the Throne

Click here to see This weeks Sermons and Sunday School

This week my emotions were like a roller coaster. The one constant for me was speaking the Word of God. Circumstances or emotions are not to rule your destiny or your actions. We have to be able to see what is happening in the natural to get to the supernatural God wants to show us. Just when I was tempted to wonder where in the world God was...He showed me His care for the little things and the big things. At one point I was riled and as I started to read the Word...I asked God what use it was to do so that day...my emotions after all were all over the place. Thankfully He reminded me that my faithfullness in placing His Word in my heart was why I had truth to draw from even on days that seem bleak. His prodding reminded me that I didn't have to stay upset...I could speak His Word...and sure enough his Word changed circumstances.

Keep Speaking God's Word over situations.
It is easy to get into a pity party about what folks say and do....why things are going so slow, or why distressing things happen. I don't for a minute deny the fact that there can be sorrow and hurt in our lives. However, much of what we end up living depends on our ability to believe God has a greater plan and our willingness to dare against all logic to speak His Word instead of voicing a current circumstances ..even when a discouraging word is on the tip of the tongue. God honors...us when we replace words of defeat with words of faith.

Look beyond the obvious.

God is always on the throne and in control, yet sometimes we don't see it. It is like the old saying that says, "you can't see the forest for the trees". What is blocking your view of Jesus? What is blocking your fellowship with Him. Take a minute and ask the Holy Spirit this question and He will be faithful to tell you. It is not about feeling condemnation for letting something block your view. The Holy Spirit reveals things so that you can have the results that the Father desires in your spiritual life. When blockages are removed..You see Him high and lifted up on the throne above all thrones. He is faithful to help you remove trees that block your view of the beautiful forest of God's love and plan for you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

God Stirs Hearts

Sunday School and Sunday Sermon Video's

Some time ago my Dad began to share with me a few passages of Scripture that the Lord was speaking to him about. I've been pondering them for awhile now.

The first Scripture that Dad mentioned concerns King Saul and how when he first became King.. God caused men to be knit to him so that they were willing to follow him as King. 26 And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and valiant men went with him, whose hearts God had touched. (1 Samuel 10:26, New King James Version)

We know that in the end King Saul didn't follow God and that Pride got in his way. However, reading the chapters about him we see God gave him every chance for a successful reign if he had chosen the right path.

I believe God can touch hearts to work along side just as he did for King Saul. The men who followed Saul were "valiant" men. I love the sound of that word...but truthfully I had to look up the meaning since it is not used much in our everyday language. It means courageous, brave and steadfast. I believe God is looking for courageous, brave and steadfast people to be knit or touched to follow specific ministries.

God desires to put Godly pastors in churches and valiant men and women who will be touched to help the work of the ministry in that church and community. He also desires to put Godly men and women into leadership positions in places of influence in political offices, business establishments, and places of employment and also place godly men and women who will be touched to follow and help them to make a difference in our society.

The church that you attend is more than a place where you simply receive and draw strength from....it is also ment to be a place where God sets you in motion to be a strength to your pastor and others who attend. It is to be a place where you have been "touched" by God to help and be a blessing. A place where you learn to do the work of the ministry and reach out to others.

A few years ago Pastor John and I attended the funeral of one of our childhood pastors. Pastor John and I didn’t know each other when we attended Elmira Christian Center (the name was Pentecostal Tabernacle when we were there)because the church was large. At the funeral, I realized that even though we had grown up and moved away we still carried the vision which the pastor, his wife and the church family had implanted in our heart. This was not a man made vision..it was the vision that the Lord had given them.

In what ways do you see God stirring your heart or knitting it to your church family.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sermons and Sunday School

I had a hard time uploading this week.
I will upload the evening service later.

Repair the Breach

Sunday School August 2nd Brother Larry

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sunday School and Sermon Video

Pastor John video taped Bro. Larry this week during Sunday School. Bro. Larry has an annointing that makes God's wisdom for everyday life understandable. We hope that listening on line will encourage some of our LWF members that don't make it to Sunday School to come out and participate as well as bless friends from other areas of the country who listen. "Everybody ought to go to Sunday School"

The Psalms

Pastor's Sunday Sermon
Godly Repentance

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Larry Hosmer's Testimony

We are blessed to be able to share a testimony from one of our church members Larry Hosmer. He shares how God restored his marraige and how God has helped he and his wife and family walk through the the emotions of the death of their daugher Tina. I believe this testimony will be a blessing to you all.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday Sermons

Call It What It Is

Your Prayer Can Be Powerful and Effective

Hidden Things

July 17, 2009
The Lord began to talk to me as I sat down to read the Word. I felt released to write it here.

Hidden Things of our heart
In this season of time the Lord will reveal the hidden things of the heart to His people. They will see in their own hearts. ..the hidden things that dwell there…things that need removal and that will be unsettling to see. This will happen to Generals on down to privates in His army. He will purify them with fire and even in everyday circumstances they will come to see what He sees that needs to be removed. This is in preparation for the move of the Spirit that is going forth in the world even today. It comes from His heart of love and because in this season we will need to go forth in power and victory with nothing holding us back. Reaction is the key to how believers will gain benefit from the unveiling of their heart being made plain to their eyes of understanding. It would be easy to desire to bury what one sees back up and go about life as usual. God told me, “In My Great love I can’t allow it to be buried, so when My children react that way I will unbury it again with a wind of my Spirit and present it before the eyes of understanding for My children to see in the light of day.” This exposure will show the hidden things and motives of the heart. Some will desperately try to fix themselves, but they must come to Him for strength and guidance to overcome. Hidden impurities of motive of the heart must be acknowledged and brought before the Lord and laid at His feet. He will powerfully crush them (the hidden things that offend) into powder and they (the hidden things that offend) will be blown away by the wind of the Spirit.” This will involve listening to the Spirit’s voice.

Hidden things of the Enemy
At the same time God will reveal the hidden things of the enemy and his agenda. The enemy is seeking destruction on every side. He seeks to confuse the Body of Christ bringing pride and condemnation. He (the enemy) seeks to stifle the move of God that is being carried out now and will be carried out in the near future through individual members of the body … he is seeking to keep the children of God from obeying the voice of the Lord . The Lord says, Guard your heart…Proverbs chapter 4...the enemy will try to regain what he has lost and open doors again from which you have be set free from bondages…he will try to set new doors before you to walk through that are formed for envy, strife and bitterness. Sing out loud because our Savoir is bigger…Stand up those that have stumbled and return to the Lord of Host who rescues us from all bondage. Wash off your failing in the blood and stand firm in guarding your heart. He (the enemy) will seek to disengage your relationship with God and relationships that bring strength to your spirit. Be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and tender to his wooing and prodding.

Hidden things of God
God in this season will show His Children the hidden things of the Kingdom. Things (the plans and purposes of God for given situations) that have been saved for such a time as this. Strategies that will overcome works of darkness and expose the lost to the Light of the Gospel, increase that will enable families and ministries to provide for themselves and reach out to others proclaiming the voice of the Kingdom with power and signs following wherever they go. Nothing in his plan is too small or too big.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Sermon's

Good Morning. Pastor John and I have been away this week helping his folks put in a new bathroom that will be easier to use along with a new upstairs washer/dryer. It was fun. Back on the homefront...we had trouble with last weeks sermon. He preached a messaged called ..."Now that Fits" It was about speaking words fitly spoken and I was looking forward to putting it online. Both our dvd and audio copies decided not to work so I will be putting up an eposiode of our Kingdom Principles and the Sunday Evening service.

Kingdom Principles: Fit your place:

Don't forget the Miracles

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Priceless Things

Pastor John's sermon this week was called "Priceless" It was word to encourage believers to live a "priceless" life for God. We've all seen the commercial where somethings are priceless because they are precious. Our life can be that way with God.

The last few weeks I've been pondering a verse in Romans where Paul told the church he was looking forward to visiting them so that he could impart to them spiritual gifts and encouragement in the faith and so that they could encourage him back in the same way. Sometimes as Christians we can get lopsided in giving and receiving encouragement. It might not occur to a Christian who works a regular job, raises a family, and goes about daily activities that they have words or actions that can be an uplift to those who are considered spiritual leaders as Paul was or those leaders that attend their local church. Paul had a relationship with the church at Rome and friendships that he trusted would be able to speak into his life as well as him speaking into theirs. I've been thinking about the relationships God has brought to Pastor John and I over the years both within and outside our church that have been a blessing to us. My Bible College professors often advised pastoral majors and those that married ministry leaders to limit their close friendships to other pastoral families. While I've gleaned a lot from other ministry families and have enjoyed their friendship...I'm glad that I didn't heed that advice....I would have missed out on some beautiful friendships that have helped me receive from the Lord instruction and encouragement. Remember whatever your circle of influenc is ..part of your ministry to the Body of Christ is to give and receive spiritual blessings and encouragement.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Praise Him: Sermon with Song Service

We had some technical difficulties with the Father's Day DVD..so I"m going to post another sermon. This dvd contains the song service. We usually don't get to show our song service because of copy right...however on the week Pastor John preached this sermon my sister was up to play the piano and so he used songs that are not copy righted or are songs that were written by him and copyrighted by him....Sis. Leesa also sings a song that she wrote and is copy righted and used by here by her permission. I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Welcome Mikie and Joseph Family

What a joy it is to know the Joseph family will be able to listen to church online. Lately I've been thinking about some of the families we started out with years ago who have moved on and have wondered how they are doing. It brings back sweet memories.

Here is last weeks sermon entitled Prayer

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Seeing God's Presence as a Treasure

My father loves to enjoy the presence of his family. This week he met his great grandson Josiah for the very first time. Josiah is 11 months and loved riding with Great Papa in his scooter chair. Dad treasures all three of his children and all of the grandchildren. Watching him interact and enjoy himself with others reminds me of how God loves His children. Loving God is a treasure. Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a treasure that we are willing to give everything to obtain. It is like selling all you have to buy land with oil on it. You give your all to obtain the great treasure. When we treasure God and the Kingdom of heaven we do so because we realize His great worth and we desire to be in His presence above all other things. It is not a burden it is a yearning.

Pastor John's Sermon

Treasure God Sis. Ruth

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Way of the Prodigal

Pastor John spoke about the Prodigal son in service this Sunday morning. The familar story is a right now word for those who have walked away from family or church, for local church bodies, and those who desire to see restoration in relationships.
The Way of the Prodigal.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday Sermons

Hi..I thought it would be nice to put the Sunday Sermons in their own post.

The Armor of God part 2 Pastor John

A Rhema Word part 1 Sister Ruth

The Plan Book

We often struggle with finding God's plan for our life and wonder when He is going to finally tell us the next step. The irony is He already has shown us much of His plan in the Word. We may have notebooks full of sermon notes that clutter our shelves, sermons cd's and books on our bookshelves...and still no clue.

Here are a few ideas to get started to seeing and walking in God's plan.

Read the plan book. I know, I know, every sermon admonishes us to read the Bible and we do try...but how does that effect today is the question??? God can give us a right now word...based on what we see happening in the Bible. For instance, Got church problems....read some of the epistles of Paul....You'll find that you are in good company with the early church and you are likely to find an answer to your question. Got someone who grates you to no end...the pages of the Bible identify with that situation and you'll find some answers. When you are faithful to read the plan book even when it seems hard or tedious God will be faithful to give you wisdom and revelation into your everyday problems. Listen to those sermon cd's and read the books on your shelves (especially the Bible) with a new determination to hear God for your real everyday life.

Trust that God wants to speak to you and listen for his voice to speak to your spirit.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be our teacher and guide. It's hard to imagine that God is interested in our everyday life...but that is what the Bible lets us know. The book of Genesis is one of my favorite books because it shows the interest of God in family life. Anyone who has read the book knows that the family story of the patriarchs shows the good bad and the ugly. The marvel is that in the midst of great messes God showed up and spoke a word to them. How much more can He speak to us because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Don't be afraid to ask questions and listen...and receive of Him.

Seek Godly counsel
I know that some of you might have been thrown by the last suggestion. You want to listen to the voice of God but you worry you won't hear Him correctly. It is always wise to seek Godly counsel and confirm that what you've heard lines up with the Word....and timing of the Lord. Remember be careful to confide in folks who have been faithful and who are willing to seek the Lord with you. (those that don't have their mind made up before they hear you)

Take a step today
When you were a toddler you didn't understand all of life. You watched your parents and knew that there was more than crawling on the floor...so you made that first step...perhaps falling a few times and holding on to furniture at first. Your parents clapped and held on to your hands with encouragement. Make a step today. It may be small...but hey it is nonetheless a step in the right direction. Practice. This blog started out with setting up an account with blogger.com and reading the material. It has a long way to go...but now I can upload sermons and run my mouth so to speak. I'm farther now than I was at the start...and you can be too if you take some first steps in the direction you feel God leading you

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Your Way or His Way

This morning my husband was playing ball with our little Dashound Marcy. Marcy loves to play, but she often wants things on her terms. She doesn't like to quite bring the ball to you...she likes it when you have to get up and reach for it...maybe she feels we are more engaged that way. Many of you know we tend to "slightly" baby our dogs so we've let her get away with this in the past. Pastor John has been trying to break her of the habit and it has been interesting to watch. At first she totally rebelled and stalked off behind the couch mad. This morning as I watched her she obediently brought the ball to the spot where Pastor has been teaching her he wants it. She is not 100 percent trained, but she is improving. In our case the problem was as much our fault as it was Marcy's. We let her get away with bad behavior.

It makes me wonder how many times we want to do things on our own terms with God. We know God is the perfect Father. He doesn't let us get away with bad behavior and He is not overly harsh in His dealings with us. I wonder how many times we are like Marcy running behind the couch when things are not on her terms. Pastor John had to ignore that and refuse to do things Marcy's way. She was drawn back because she loves Pastor John and she loves to play ball. We love God and desire to do the ministry He's called us to...so all we have to do is come back and do it His way and on His terms.

Here is Pastor John's Sunday Sermon entitled the Armor of God

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Most of you know that I usually like to add a picture to each weeks blog entry . I spend some time looking on the free clipart sites and select just the right one. Well tonight I did that. It took longer than usual, but it was worth it...I really liked the picture. However, when I tried to upload it the blogspot program refused to work. I tried again and again and the frustration mounted. I spoke this week in church because Pastor John was recovering from a minor operation, and in the message I talked about things coming in our life that are hard and cause frustration. I was tempted to fall into a fit of frustration over the graphic until I remembered that We Win and I can let this irritation roll off my back.

Here is this weeks video sermon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Wisdom of God

I've been pondering the wisdom of God this week. Sometimes it feels like it would be helpful to have a map of our future fall from the sky so we'd know each step to take and when. We'd also know just how God is going to take care of every situation. That sure would help take the kick out of stressful situations. Unfortunately it would also take away a principle ingredient in our relationship with the Lord. Faith. Faith that He hears us and that He cares. I didn't start this pondering on my own...I had some help from a friend. Thanks.

Biblically wisdom falls into two categories.

First we are encouraged to seek everyday wisdom or common sense. Proverbs 2:2 tells us, "...incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding." It becomes evident that we can grow in wisdom through life experience, reading the Word and receiving guidance from others who have learned and put into practice what we need to know to change our circumstances.

Second Ephesians 2:17 tells us about a wisdom that is given to us by God. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation n the knowledge of him." This is wisdom that is more than our natural common sense or street wise knowledge gut feeling type of wisdom. It comes from the throne of God into the midst of our present situations and gives us insight into what is right to do and brings us into a fuller knowledge of Jesus. We need both kinds. Thankfully we can develop common sense wisdom that lines up with God's word and we can trust Jesus to give us His supernatural wisdom when we ask in faith.

Pastors Sunday Sermon Ministering Reconciliation talked about coming into the presence of the Lord...which is a wonderful place to receive the widsom of God.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Hope of the Resurrection

We were blessed to have many people come to church and hear the good news of the the Resurrection of Jesus this Sunday. The Bible tells us that for some the cross is foolishness because they don't understand and see their need for a Savior. Those to who accept the finished work of Jesus on the cross repenting of their sin consider it a precious gift. Pastor John talked about that gift in his sermon. Just click the picture to view.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The news predicted snow...but I didn't want to believe it. Just a short while ago our neighborhood was filled with the usual spring activities. Raking leaves and cleaning yards, wearing lite coats, walking dogs, and breathing in that nice springtime air. Things don't always go as we might expect in life. I'm glad that in the midst of unexpected events there are something’s that never change.

  • His Mercy endures for ever: The psalmist declares this truth again and again. The kindness of our Lord towards His people and His creation. Sometimes we feel as if we've blown it to the point where no one could forgive ....yet the kindness of God and His goodness shows up in our circumstances. We serve a good God.

  • He will Never leave us: Hebrews 13:5 assures us that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. We are not alone. I love Hebrews it is filled with the truth that Jesus is our High Priest who understands our walk...and that He walks the path with us. We can count on Him and keep our confidence despite even trying circumstances.

  • His Word is Sure and settled in Heaven: God's faithfulness is sure and the words of His mouth do not fail. Psalms 119:89 reminds us we can trust his settled Word in our life. When life seems to be throwing the opposite of God's will at us...we can declare the Word of the Lord in confidence because we understand that its truth will always come to past.

Some of you may not have noticed the camera that sat atop of the sound system Sunday during church. Pastor John was able to video tape the sermon. So along with the video that we produce in the backroom we will now also be able to video the sermons.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

God is Doing Great Things.

This week the Lord has been speaking to me about His desire for the church to go forth in His power and might. There are always obstacles to overcome, but God is mighty in power and strength. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," Says the LORD of host. Zechariah 4:6
We are pleased to announce our first video segment with a military theme hosted by Bro. Charles and Sis. Leesa. If you are a Military family or know anyone who is this will help them in a season of deployment. (You may have to wait a few minutes for the mini player to load up....)

May 2nd LWF will be hosting a Women's Breakfast called Women of Influence at Ramada Inn for the churches of the Watertown Area. We are blessed by the ministry that God has given our area over the years through various churches who have been faithful to our community and we'd like to give back to them. The Breakfast will start at 8:30 and encourage us to be influencers in the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Going Forth

This morning Church Service was a time of going forth in God. We did things a little backwards and ended up having song service last instead of first. The Lord is faithful to bring refreshing. Discouragement comes in many different forms, but God is able to deliver us and bring us focus and victory in Him. When we read the Psalms we see that David experienced relationship problems, staff problems, family problems, even problems in the House of God. I'm blessed as I read the Psalms as I can almost see him pouring his heart out to God. The challenge that David sets before us is to not allow discouragement to have a field day in our life. We see David encouraging himself in the Lord. He does this in a variety of ways in the Psalms.

He encourages himself on his bed. This is my all time favorite description of David's strategy. You know, there are just some days when you can't get outa bed without speaking the Word of the Lord to yourself and calling out to Jesus. Sometimes a person might even be tempted to take to their bed during the day because of discouragement....but David made his bed a place where God was invited to give him a victory perspective.

He spoke the Word of God over the situation. Some folks are afraid to admit there is a problem. David had no such reservations as he talked to God. He laid it all out on the table in his Psalms. Thing is he didn't stay on the problem. Don't you just love the end of some of the Psalms that started out with the problem and end with words of faith and victory about God's faithfulness and promise of victory? David knew a key to our release from discouragement. The presence of the Lord...brings God's perspective and hope to a situation that otherwise would seem insurmountable.

He sang a new song. We know that many of David's Psalms were set to Music. (some Psalms had different authors...those most are David's) David didn't loose that key to victory that he learned as a shepherd boy when he tackled the lion and the bear....when the harp and lyrics were used to sing of the glories and majesty of the Lord. There is something about singing about God's faithfulness that stirs and encourages even a broken heart.

He acknowledged his sin and repented. David came to realize that sin that is unacknowledged before God causes a person to be on the wrong path. It causes the peace of God to be missing. He discovered the love and grace of God is everlasting to those who come before Him with a humble heart. David found restoration and peace.

This week take a look at the Psalms and remember encourage yourself in the Lord and walk in the victory of the Lord.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Presence of the Lord

I've been listening to a song on soaking.net (a Christian music sight) called Passionate Pursuit. (it is on the first player..takes abit of skimming through the songs to get to it) The song is about seeking the presence of the Lord. The Lord desires His people to come into His presence. He loves us and now is a time in history when His people will do exploits as days of old in His name. It is a time of both pursuing His presence and listening to His voice through prayer. Sunday as we worshipped the Lord spoke to my heart that he loves it when we come together and are eager for Him. I felt it upon my heart to ask you to prepare for this coming Sunday through prayer. Here are some of the things we can pray for in our midst. If you attend another church these items are good for you too..just add your own info.

1. Pray for the atmosphere of our church to be filled with His presence. Pray during the week and when you arrive at church at some point after you've fellowshipped slip away and invite the Holy Spirit to have His way.

2. Pray for Pastor John and Pastor Ruth. It is a little awkward for me to ask this...but I'm reminded that Paul asked for prayer. Pray for wisdom, discernment, that we will seek the Lord during the week and that He will met us, pray against the attacks of the enemy and anything that would hinder, pray that our ministry gifts will flow effectively. I can't overstate the importance of the people of God standing behind their Pastors in prayer.

3. Pray for the Sunday School. Pray for Bro Larry this week as he prepares for the adult lesson. (though I'm with the kids....I've sensed an excitement about this class and what God is doing in it). Pray for his ministry gift to flow effectively. Pray for the Children as they learn the love of God and as they begin to minister in their own right. Special thanks and prayer for Sis Leesa as she teaches the nursery class. Remember Sis. Sally in Prayer that she has a speedy recovery.

4. Pray for the Praise Team. Pray for them as they prepare for this week. Ask God to bring His peace and to put a song in their heart. Ask for the wisdom of God to flow in their lives. Pray for their ministry gifts to flow effectively. Pray for the presence of the Lord to inhabit our praises.

5. Pray for the congregation. Pray that as we all go through this week that we pursue the Lord...not just Sunday but everyday. Pray that each one is comforted and encouraged of the Lord...and be open to the Lord as He invites you to be a blessing to each other. Pray that the ministry gifts of the congregation flow in order and effectively.

6. Pray for those who come into our church that they would feel God's presence, and have a desire to give all to Jesus, and that they would know the love of God's people. Pray that nothing hinders them as they seek Jesus. Pray for those in our midst who may not know Jesus or have strayed from His path that they will feel His presence, know His reality and desire to make Him Lord of their life.

Note for some reason the video's are not showing on the blog today...hopefully it will be fixed as they worked fine before. You can go to the listen to sermons page on livingingwaterschurch.com to see them.image c. jim sutton gospelgifts.com

Monday, February 2, 2009

Praying for the President...

  • This month we have a celebration called Presidents day. When I was in school we had two seperate holidays...one for President Washington and one for President Lincoln. Those Holidays have been combined into one and it's aim is to honor all Presidents and their contributions to our nation. For quite some time our nation has been divided about very important issues. Christians are concerned about the direction our nation is taking in many areas and rightly so. So what are we to do in regard to prayer? When we pray for our current President there are some things to remember.

1. We are told to pray for our governmental leaders and kings. Romans 13:1-7, and I Timothy 2:2

2. Praying for our President is not based upon his preformance. Paul exhorted people of his day to pray for leaders that were anything but godly.

3. God holds the heart of the king. Proverbs 21:1 Your prayer aligned with the Word of God and joined with others can effect a godly change in his heart.

4. Praying for our President and desiring God to speak to his heart...does not mean that you have to agree with him on current policies.

Special video that Sis. Lynne sent me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brrrrr It's Cold.

It's Wednesday night and the news says it is suppose to be even colder tomorrow. While walking into the house today I felt the cold air and looked at the white snow banks and thought I love it here. Yeah, sometimes I complain about the weather conditions, but its home. I realized that I love where God has placed me. The Lord began to speak to me about thriving here in the North Country. New Video below.
What can you do to thrive where you are even if you don't like something about it?
1. Look for the good things. You may be convinced that your city, job, family, school, or church doesn't have many good things. If you are going to thrive in the place you are then you'll have to begin looking at things from God's perspective. Determine to find things to appreciate in your circumstance. If your thoughts are negative towards a situation you will not be able to see what God may be showing you.
2. Pray for discernment. Praise the Lord, God doesn't want to leave us in the dark concerning where we should be in life. The fact that we have questions doesn't have to mean that we are in the wrong place to thrive. It could be we are right where God wants us, but we are centering on something that God wants us to let go of in our life.
3. Do something new. Take a new look at your situation. Is there something the Holy Spirit has been dealing with you about or something that someone in authoirty has spoken about that would give you some feeling of ownership in your circumstance. Volunteer in an area you haven't thought of before, do something special for someone....(write a note, buy a gift, spend time with someone) and ask the Lord to help you to see His plan.

Kingdom Principles

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

LWF---A time of Prayer and Action

Christian Clipart

Kingdom Principles 4: Study to show yourselves approved unto God.

The Buzz every New Year in the media is how to keep your resolutions. In the coming days on my personal blog This Walk with Jesus I will be examing how to turn plans from the heart of God into a reality in our lives. I hope you will read along as we examine prayers part in promoting our actions this year. (I hope to have the first instalment up by Friday)

Prayer Target for the week: Increase in wisdom and revelation in both the pastors and the congregation as we listen to the voice of the Lord for the church direction and our families.

This Weeks video is Kingdom Principles 4: Study to show Yourselves Approved of God. Remember if at anytime the volume is low here on the blog you can go to the LWFchurch web-site and click listen to sermons and listen to the player directly and adjust the volume.