Thursday, July 2, 2009

Priceless Things

Pastor John's sermon this week was called "Priceless" It was word to encourage believers to live a "priceless" life for God. We've all seen the commercial where somethings are priceless because they are precious. Our life can be that way with God.

The last few weeks I've been pondering a verse in Romans where Paul told the church he was looking forward to visiting them so that he could impart to them spiritual gifts and encouragement in the faith and so that they could encourage him back in the same way. Sometimes as Christians we can get lopsided in giving and receiving encouragement. It might not occur to a Christian who works a regular job, raises a family, and goes about daily activities that they have words or actions that can be an uplift to those who are considered spiritual leaders as Paul was or those leaders that attend their local church. Paul had a relationship with the church at Rome and friendships that he trusted would be able to speak into his life as well as him speaking into theirs. I've been thinking about the relationships God has brought to Pastor John and I over the years both within and outside our church that have been a blessing to us. My Bible College professors often advised pastoral majors and those that married ministry leaders to limit their close friendships to other pastoral families. While I've gleaned a lot from other ministry families and have enjoyed their friendship...I'm glad that I didn't heed that advice....I would have missed out on some beautiful friendships that have helped me receive from the Lord instruction and encouragement. Remember whatever your circle of influenc is ..part of your ministry to the Body of Christ is to give and receive spiritual blessings and encouragement.

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