Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nehemiah 12 The Dedication of the Wall

It was an exciting time. The chapter starts out with a list of the Priest and Levites who came to the land back in Zerubbabel's time. The Priest and the Levites were called come to the dedication of the wall and to set up up the rotation of the ministries. Everyone came to the big celebration. God had restored the temple and now the Wall was built. What the enemy wanted to destroy God had built. Two great choirs sang great anthems of praise and thanksgiving. Ezra led the procession. Each choir scaled the wall in separate directions along with the leaders who sounded trumpets. Men, women and children rejoiced at the hand of God. Rejoice, Rejoice, God has triumphed. Rejoice the people of God believed and kept up the work in the face of discouragement. Rejoice, the enemy no longer could run a muck unhindered by a wall of protection. Rejoice, lies had come to naught. Rejoice. God's people made a loud noise and great procession...a show of their gratitude toward God Almighty in power and strength. It amazes me at how many times in the Bible God encourages His people to rejoice, to bring thanksgiving as a gift before Him. There are things that you have to celebrate in your life. Take a moment today to celebrate and thank Him. The chapter also deals with roles that were established for the temple. Roles to minister. God has a role for you too.... pray as you listen to his voice.

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