You win the lot...and get to move to Jerusalem

Chapter 11 is interesting. Jerusalem was under populated. Many of the Jews lived in the surrounding towns which had family lands. When people came back from captivity they went back to their family homes and settled. We've studied all the trials Israel went through building the wall. Now the commitment became even higher for some who didn't live in the city. They cast lots and agreed that one out of every ten would live in Jerusalem. It would be a life change that would effect their family line and their everyday life. I don't know about you but it would be hard for me to depend upon a lot to decide where my family would live. However, their commitment to the good of the country made them willing to sacrifice their own freedom of choice in regards of where to live. They considered the lots a way to fairly choose and that God would be in the choice. What sacrifices are you willing to make?
Jerusalem needed to be properly populated to keep a defense. I wonder how the families reacted and if they began to have a love for their new circumstances. There are two ways you can handle things that create a God ordained change. You can follow the new path in peace and find joy in the new circumstance or you can follow the new path but be resistant to finding purpose and joy. Chapter 11 names some of the people who left their land and home to move to Jerusalem and start a new life. What changes are you undergoing in your life? Remember God can give you wisdom and purpose for your everyday life.
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