Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Binding Promise part 2 Nehemiah

Yesterday we examined the promise that the Jews made to God.  Remember their promise involved the marriage of their children,  the Sabbath, tithe and offering and loyalty to the house of God.  If we are not careful we may assume it was all about following a set of rules that don't really relate to us today.   Remembering their genuine repentance and desire for God helps us understand that their promise was about relationship and wanting to stay in a position to please the Lord.  These promises were from a heart of love.

Marriage to unbelievers had caused many of the Jews to loose their love and devotion to the Lord.  The parents were responsible for arranging marriages and sometimes they were arranged for the perceived financial or power broker benefits to families involved.  This promise was an acknowledgement that choosing someone who loved God was more important than any other benefit that may be brokered through a marriage to an unbeliever.  God desired the adults who married to stay true to Him and the children born to have a godly influence.  That brings their promise into modern focus.   We usually marry for love in our country...but if we love God we can see that the consequence of marrying an unbeliever can have the same bad consequences the Jews faced.  Many young people have been drawn away from the Lord while trying to please someone whose heart isn't attuned to Jesus.  Someone may seem pleasing....but if we want to please the Lord we won't go down that path.  We need to be careful who we allow to influence our life.  Think about how this aspect of the promise should affect your walk.

Honoring the Sabbath was very important.  It consisted of remembering God, resting, spending time with family and a day of worship.  How can this promise relate to you?  What do you do to honor God on the Lord's day.  You may be resisting a little bit.  The phrase "worship God everyday" comes to mind.  It is a true statement...however that doesn't negate that we are called to set aside the Lord's day to honor him.   The flesh may not always want to do might be a temptation to sleep in or go to a ball game...but the Word says, "Neglect not the gathering of yourselves together".   Don't forget the rest part...set aside time to relax and renew your body and spirit.

Gifts of tithes and offerings.  Some would love to think that tithe and offering was simply an Old Testament command.  When we examine the promise it is evident that they wanted to promise to obey out of love for God and His house.  They didn't want the temple to fall in disrepair or the ministry have to abandon the house House of God. They understood that the temple was important to their relationship with the Lord and they needed to keep a clean heart before the Him.  Do you have a passion for God's house and the spread of the Gospel?  What can your support do for your local house of worship?

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