Nehemiah 9:1-6 Revival of the Word and Repentance
The Israelite's had just celebrated the feast of Tabernacles where the emphasis was to remember all those things God had done for them and their people throughout their history. They recounted the blessing of the Lord in the wilderness. All of this along with the heartfelt desire and obedience to build the wall put the people of God into a position to hear God's voice. They took steps to listen clearly. First they gathered together to hear God's Word read. Men, women and children who were old enough to be able to understand spent a quarter of the day listening as the Word was read. They responded to the Word with confession and repentance. They realized that they and their fathers had fallen short of the glory of God, of the calling of God for their nation, but mostly of failing to stay in proper relationship with their God. There was weeping as they began to truly see these things and worshiped before the Lord.
The Word, Confession and Repentance in Your Life
As I read the book of Nehemiah I'm reminded of what the Holy Spirit has done and is continuing to do in my life. I see those areas that He desires to help me in and that I need to confess have been wrong in His sight. The Word of God tells us is that it is like a mirror that shows us the reflection of what is truly in our soul. The choice of what we do with that reflection is up to us. The Word tells us not to look at the mirror and do nothing about the image we see. God is the one who forgives, He is the one who gives us the strength and ability to change, but our confession, acknowledgement, and willingness to listen to His Word is what opens the door to His ability to bring the transformation of our life. When we put the Word in our heart, when we confess our sin, when we humbly obey the Word He gives us the power to overcome the vilest of sin and change our lives forever. He puts us in position to live a life pleasing to Him
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