Sunday, August 16, 2009

God Stirs Hearts

Sunday School and Sunday Sermon Video's

Some time ago my Dad began to share with me a few passages of Scripture that the Lord was speaking to him about. I've been pondering them for awhile now.

The first Scripture that Dad mentioned concerns King Saul and how when he first became King.. God caused men to be knit to him so that they were willing to follow him as King. 26 And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and valiant men went with him, whose hearts God had touched. (1 Samuel 10:26, New King James Version)

We know that in the end King Saul didn't follow God and that Pride got in his way. However, reading the chapters about him we see God gave him every chance for a successful reign if he had chosen the right path.

I believe God can touch hearts to work along side just as he did for King Saul. The men who followed Saul were "valiant" men. I love the sound of that word...but truthfully I had to look up the meaning since it is not used much in our everyday language. It means courageous, brave and steadfast. I believe God is looking for courageous, brave and steadfast people to be knit or touched to follow specific ministries.

God desires to put Godly pastors in churches and valiant men and women who will be touched to help the work of the ministry in that church and community. He also desires to put Godly men and women into leadership positions in places of influence in political offices, business establishments, and places of employment and also place godly men and women who will be touched to follow and help them to make a difference in our society.

The church that you attend is more than a place where you simply receive and draw strength is also ment to be a place where God sets you in motion to be a strength to your pastor and others who attend. It is to be a place where you have been "touched" by God to help and be a blessing. A place where you learn to do the work of the ministry and reach out to others.

A few years ago Pastor John and I attended the funeral of one of our childhood pastors. Pastor John and I didn’t know each other when we attended Elmira Christian Center (the name was Pentecostal Tabernacle when we were there)because the church was large. At the funeral, I realized that even though we had grown up and moved away we still carried the vision which the pastor, his wife and the church family had implanted in our heart. This was not a man made was the vision that the Lord had given them.

In what ways do you see God stirring your heart or knitting it to your church family.


  1. kaygen68I just got done reading about kniting and stiring our hearts. How true that is and in our little church has started to knit our hearts together as a family and I am proud to be apart of this growing family.
    Old Kayline

  2. Thanks Kay. Yes...God does desire to knit hearts together.
