We often struggle with finding God's plan for our life and wonder when He is going to finally tell us the next step. The irony is He already has shown us much of His plan in the Word. We may have notebooks full of sermon notes that clutter our shelves, sermons cd's and books on our bookshelves...and still no clue.
Here are a few ideas to get started to seeing and walking in God's plan.
Read the plan book. I know, I know, every sermon admonishes us to read the Bible and we do try...but how does that effect today is the question??? God can give us a right now word...based on what we see happening in the Bible. For instance, Got church problems....read some of the epistles of Paul....You'll find that you are in good company with the early church and you are likely to find an answer to your question. Got someone who grates you to no end...the pages of the Bible identify with that situation and you'll find some answers. When you are faithful to read the plan book even when it seems hard or tedious God will be faithful to give you wisdom and revelation into your everyday problems. Listen to those sermon cd's and read the books on your shelves (especially the Bible) with a new determination to hear God for your real everyday life.
Trust that God wants to speak to you and listen for his voice to speak to your spirit.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be our teacher and guide. It's hard to imagine that God is interested in our everyday life...but that is what the Bible lets us know. The book of Genesis is one of my favorite books because it shows the interest of God in family life. Anyone who has read the book knows that the family story of the patriarchs shows the good bad and the ugly. The marvel is that in the midst of great messes God showed up and spoke a word to them. How much more can He speak to us because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Don't be afraid to ask questions and listen...and receive of Him.
Seek Godly counsel
I know that some of you might have been thrown by the last suggestion. You want to listen to the voice of God but you worry you won't hear Him correctly. It is always wise to seek Godly counsel and confirm that what you've heard lines up with the Word....and timing of the Lord. Remember be careful to confide in folks who have been faithful and who are willing to seek the Lord with you. (those that don't have their mind made up before they hear you)
Take a step today
When you were a toddler you didn't understand all of life. You watched your parents and knew that there was more than crawling on the floor...so you made that first step...perhaps falling a few times and holding on to furniture at first. Your parents clapped and held on to your hands with encouragement. Make a step today. It may be small...but hey it is nonetheless a step in the right direction. Practice. This blog started out with setting up an account with blogger.com and reading the material. It has a long way to go...but now I can upload sermons and run my mouth so to speak. I'm farther now than I was at the start...and you can be too if you take some first steps in the direction you feel God leading you
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