I've been pondering the wisdom of God this week. Sometimes it feels like it would be helpful to have a map of our future fall from the sky so we'd know each step to take and when. We'd also know just how God is going to take care of every situation. That sure would help take the kick out of stressful situations. Unfortunately it would also take away a principle ingredient in our relationship with the Lord. Faith. Faith that He hears us and that He cares. I didn't start this pondering on my own...I had some help from a friend. Thanks.
Biblically wisdom falls into two categories.
First we are encouraged to seek everyday wisdom or common sense. Proverbs 2:2 tells us, "...incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding." It becomes evident that we can grow in wisdom through life experience, reading the Word and receiving guidance from others who have learned and put into practice what we need to know to change our circumstances.
Second Ephesians 2:17 tells us about a wisdom that is given to us by God. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation n the knowledge of him." This is wisdom that is more than our natural common sense or street wise knowledge gut feeling type of wisdom. It comes from the throne of God into the midst of our present situations and gives us insight into what is right to do and brings us into a fuller knowledge of Jesus. We need both kinds. Thankfully we can develop common sense wisdom that lines up with God's word and we can trust Jesus to give us His supernatural wisdom when we ask in faith.
Pastors Sunday Sermon Ministering Reconciliation talked about coming into the presence of the Lord...which is a wonderful place to receive the widsom of God.
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