Most of you know that I usually like to add a picture to each weeks blog entry . I spend some time looking on the free clipart sites and select just the right one. Well tonight I did that. It took longer than usual, but it was worth it...I really liked the picture. However, when I tried to upload it the blogspot program refused to work. I tried again and again and the frustration mounted. I spoke this week in church because Pastor John was recovering from a minor operation, and in the message I talked about things coming in our life that are hard and cause frustration. I was tempted to fall into a fit of frustration over the graphic until I remembered that We Win and I can let this irritation roll off my back.
Here is this weeks video sermon.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Wisdom of God

I've been pondering the wisdom of God this week. Sometimes it feels like it would be helpful to have a map of our future fall from the sky so we'd know each step to take and when. We'd also know just how God is going to take care of every situation. That sure would help take the kick out of stressful situations. Unfortunately it would also take away a principle ingredient in our relationship with the Lord. Faith. Faith that He hears us and that He cares. I didn't start this pondering on my own...I had some help from a friend. Thanks.
Biblically wisdom falls into two categories.
First we are encouraged to seek everyday wisdom or common sense. Proverbs 2:2 tells us, "...incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding." It becomes evident that we can grow in wisdom through life experience, reading the Word and receiving guidance from others who have learned and put into practice what we need to know to change our circumstances.
Second Ephesians 2:17 tells us about a wisdom that is given to us by God. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation n the knowledge of him." This is wisdom that is more than our natural common sense or street wise knowledge gut feeling type of wisdom. It comes from the throne of God into the midst of our present situations and gives us insight into what is right to do and brings us into a fuller knowledge of Jesus. We need both kinds. Thankfully we can develop common sense wisdom that lines up with God's word and we can trust Jesus to give us His supernatural wisdom when we ask in faith.
Pastors Sunday Sermon Ministering Reconciliation talked about coming into the presence of the Lord...which is a wonderful place to receive the widsom of God.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Hope of the Resurrection

We were blessed to have many people come to church and hear the good news of the the Resurrection of Jesus this Sunday. The Bible tells us that for some the cross is foolishness because they don't understand and see their need for a Savior. Those to who accept the finished work of Jesus on the cross repenting of their sin consider it a precious gift. Pastor John talked about that gift in his sermon. Just click the picture to view.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The news predicted snow...but I didn't want to believe it. Just a short while ago our neighborhood was filled with the usual spring activities. Raking leaves and cleaning yards, wearing lite coats, walking dogs, and breathing in that nice springtime air. Things don't always go as we might expect in life. I'm glad that in the midst of unexpected events there are something’s that never change.
His Mercy endures for ever: The psalmist declares this truth again and again. The kindness of our Lord towards His people and His creation. Sometimes we feel as if we've blown it to the point where no one could forgive ....yet the kindness of God and His goodness shows up in our circumstances. We serve a good God.
He will Never leave us: Hebrews 13:5 assures us that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. We are not alone. I love Hebrews it is filled with the truth that Jesus is our High Priest who understands our walk...and that He walks the path with us. We can count on Him and keep our confidence despite even trying circumstances.
His Word is Sure and settled in Heaven: God's faithfulness is sure and the words of His mouth do not fail. Psalms 119:89 reminds us we can trust his settled Word in our life. When life seems to be throwing the opposite of God's will at us...we can declare the Word of the Lord in confidence because we understand that its truth will always come to past.
Some of you may not have noticed the camera that sat atop of the sound system Sunday during church. Pastor John was able to video tape the sermon. So along with the video that we produce in the backroom we will now also be able to video the sermons.
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