I've been listening to a song on soaking.net (a Christian music sight) called Passionate Pursuit. (it is on the first player..takes abit of skimming through the songs to get to it) The song is about seeking the presence of the Lord. The Lord desires His people to come into His presence. He loves us and now is a time in history when His people will do exploits as days of old in His name. It is a time of both pursuing His presence and listening to His voice through prayer. Sunday as we worshipped the Lord spoke to my heart that he loves it when we come together and are eager for Him. I felt it upon my heart to ask you to prepare for this coming Sunday through prayer. Here are some of the things we can pray for in our midst. If you attend another church these items are good for you too..just add your own info.
1. Pray for the atmosphere of our church to be filled with His presence. Pray during the week and when you arrive at church at some point after you've fellowshipped slip away and invite the Holy Spirit to have His way.
2. Pray for Pastor John and Pastor Ruth. It is a little awkward for me to ask this...but I'm reminded that Paul asked for prayer. Pray for wisdom, discernment, that we will seek the Lord during the week and that He will met us, pray against the attacks of the enemy and anything that would hinder, pray that our ministry gifts will flow effectively. I can't overstate the importance of the people of God standing behind their Pastors in prayer.
3. Pray for the Sunday School. Pray for Bro Larry this week as he prepares for the adult lesson. (though I'm with the kids....I've sensed an excitement about this class and what God is doing in it). Pray for his ministry gift to flow effectively. Pray for the Children as they learn the love of God and as they begin to minister in their own right. Special thanks and prayer for Sis Leesa as she teaches the nursery class. Remember Sis. Sally in Prayer that she has a speedy recovery.
4. Pray for the Praise Team. Pray for them as they prepare for this week. Ask God to bring His peace and to put a song in their heart. Ask for the wisdom of God to flow in their lives. Pray for their ministry gifts to flow effectively. Pray for the presence of the Lord to inhabit our praises.
5. Pray for the congregation. Pray that as we all go through this week that we pursue the Lord...not just Sunday but everyday. Pray that each one is comforted and encouraged of the Lord...and be open to the Lord as He invites you to be a blessing to each other. Pray that the ministry gifts of the congregation flow in order and effectively.
6. Pray for those who come into our church that they would feel God's presence, and have a desire to give all to Jesus, and that they would know the love of God's people. Pray that nothing hinders them as they seek Jesus. Pray for those in our midst who may not know Jesus or have strayed from His path that they will feel His presence, know His reality and desire to make Him Lord of their life.
Note for some reason the video's are not showing on the blog today...hopefully it will be fixed as they worked fine before. You can go to the listen to sermons page on livingingwaterschurch.com to see them.image c. jim sutton gospelgifts.com
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