Christian Clipart
Kingdom Principles 4: Study to show yourselves approved unto God.
The Buzz every New Year in the media is how to keep your resolutions. In the coming days on my personal blog This Walk with Jesus I will be examing how to turn plans from the heart of God into a reality in our lives. I hope you will read along as we examine prayers part in promoting our actions this year. (I hope to have the first instalment up by Friday)
Prayer Target for the week: Increase in wisdom and revelation in both the pastors and the congregation as we listen to the voice of the Lord for the church direction and our families.
This Weeks video is Kingdom Principles 4: Study to show Yourselves Approved of God. Remember if at anytime the volume is low here on the blog you can go to the LWFchurch web-site and click listen to sermons and listen to the player directly and adjust the volume.
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