It's Wednesday night and the news says it is suppose to be even colder tomorrow. While walking into the house today I felt the cold air and looked at the white snow banks and thought I love it here. Yeah, sometimes I complain about the weather conditions, but its home. I realized that I love where God has placed me. The Lord began to speak to me about thriving here in the North Country. New Video below.
What can you do to thrive where you are even if you don't like something about it?
1. Look for the good things. You may be convinced that your city, job, family, school, or church doesn't have many good things. If you are going to thrive in the place you are then you'll have to begin looking at things from God's perspective. Determine to find things to appreciate in your circumstance. If your thoughts are negative towards a situation you will not be able to see what God may be showing you.
2. Pray for discernment. Praise the Lord, God doesn't want to leave us in the dark concerning where we should be in life. The fact that we have questions doesn't have to mean that we are in the wrong place to thrive. It could be we are right where God wants us, but we are centering on something that God wants us to let go of in our life.
3. Do something new. Take a new look at your situation. Is there something the Holy Spirit has been dealing with you about or something that someone in authoirty has spoken about that would give you some feeling of ownership in your circumstance. Volunteer in an area you haven't thought of before, do something special for someone....(write a note, buy a gift, spend time with someone) and ask the Lord to help you to see His plan.
Kingdom Principles