Sermon: God is God and Sunday School Lesson
Be Alert....corny I know...I looked for a soldier standing at attention...couldn't find it so Pastor suggested a BEE
The last two weeks have been interesting. Pastor John had some trouble with his cell phone company. We've had a pay as you go company for many years, but in the last few months they've really messed him up several times. He ended up losing his longstanding phone number due to a mistake made by an overseas call in center. It was disturbing because all of our contacts have had that number for years and we have numerous business cards out in the community with that number. Funeral homes and hospitals also have the old number and use it in emergencies. Anyway for awhile it seemed hopeful that he could get his number back...we kept getting messages on our home phone that if he hurried all would be well. So he started the process. Hours later when much time and effort had been spent on the phone I had the sinking feeling that something more was up than the ineptness of call centers. No it was worse than was the whittling away of precious time and energy. As I listened to Pastor John try to explain one more time what he wanted....I wondered what it was that the devil wanted to keep us away from obtaining or giving our attention to by keeping us wrapped up in this endless cycle...I won't mention here the number of hours spent on the phone trying to get the mistake fixed.
Hindsight being 20/20 we both realize it would have been better to leave the situation alone and simply go on with the new phone number. the end that's exactly what we had to do anyway. If you'll admit it there are times when we all hold on to something like a dog with a bone....even when it is evident to others you should let it go. Pastor John was on a mission to save something that had been worthwhile to the ministry of the church. Something that might keep us from missed phone calls from someone who knew of the old number. Sometimes even things that may seem like a worthy cause can be time distractions. There are times to fight and times to realize that the fight is not the Lord's.
This week I was sick and Pastor John's attention was upon helping me...which is a right thing to do. I've not been sick to this extent in a long time. Some nasty bug. I'm feeling much better now. It got me pondering since I've been feeling better. What things did the enemy want to keep us from these last few weeks? What did he hope to accomplish? The Holy Spirit began to show me that the enemy hopes to blindside God's people. I also saw that all was not lost and fear doesn't have to reign. Thank God that He is well able to give revelation and wisdom when we seek Him. I felt Holy Spirit say...."seek Jesus...Be in His presence and don't let anything drag you from it this week." He will reveal Himself to us and bring His presence. There are a lot of issues and circumstances going on as I talk to people in church and on the net...but God is in control of them all and His presence brings peace. "Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: for he trusted in thee." Isaiah 26:3