Sermon: Sealed God's Promise. This year my son and his finance helped us get our tree up and light up the house. I've really enjoyed it. My Mom loved the season and was a great decorator. Christmas morning when we woke up Joshua had the lights all on..and things were shining. My brother and his family came with us to celebrate with our father....little Josiah understands so much more now than he did last year. My eldest called from Afganistan and I spoke with his wife on Christmas Eve...a niece called from Ohio and a niece wrote a message on facebook. I miss the gathering we always had at at my husbands parents house with all the nieces and nephews. The Christmas party at church is always fun....I miss those that couldn't attend this year. The promise of my Mom in law coming a few days after Christmas warms my heart. I wonder if Pastor has told her that in a few weeks we are getting another Dachshund to add to our pack? Maybe that will be our little surprise.
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with family and watched a few Christmas shows. If you asked me what gifts I got...I'd have to stop and think...and contrary to the smart remarks that may come from my friends and family it is not my age. Simply put.... the joy of Christmas doesn't come wrapped in a gift wrapped box or pretty bag. It comes in our heart as we sit at our tables with those we love....as we remember together the one who came...the one who is God With Us.