A fresh slate, a time to start afresh, new goals and promises. We can get quite cynical about the hoopla and about the prospects of real change in our life. Even Christians long for something real that will propel them forward. That something is more than will power, goals, or good ideas. It begins with sowing the Word in our hearts and taking steps of obedience. You know sometimes we want to do great things for God, but we have trouble doing the little acts of obedience that God asks of us. The other day...I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to speak to someone about an issue...I didn't want to do it because I thought it would be alright to let the matter slide...but the Holy Spirit made real to me the need to speak up. I had a choice to make. In truth the best goal we can have is not something that takes will power to accomplish...but rather to place ourselves in a position to hear God's voice and then to do what He asks us to do. It may be to submit to someone in authority even when you would rather do it your own way, it may be foregoing the midnight snack that you want, it may be speaking to someone at work about the gospel , it may seem small in scope. Remember that obedience to God in the small things and in the big things brings us into a place where God can trust us. It brings us to a new beginning. A launching pad for the future God has planned for us. God is not against planning In the planning listen to the voice of the Great planner and allow him to guide your path.
New Video next week after Christmas and New Year's . Micaiah Ministries now has a sermon player similar to ours with both song cd's and sermons. I'm going to be listening to the Sermon entiltled Becoming Less Vulnerable to Enemy Attacks . Click here to go to their sermon player Micaiah Ministries.