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My Childhood pastor David Larkin went to be with the Lord Yesterday. He pastored a church in the same city as our church. It was fitting that he made his journey on the Lord's Day. My first impression might have been the candy he always kept in his pocket at the end of church, or the way he used to reach for his comb while preaching and unconsciously comb his hair (though he worked at breaking that habit), but over the years the thing that stuck was his steadfast love for the people God brought to him. "Just Serve Jesus" he used to say. I didn't understand that phrase at first because he'd say it in good times and bad. He meant of course that in this life through good or bad we need to have an unwavering faith in Jesus come what may. A faith that says, "God has the answer and will bring us through in victory". He loved us faults and all, he was not shy about correcting , encouraging you do your best or dealing out appreciation for a job well done. Pastor Dave officiated at our wedding, and my mother's funeral....He brought joy and comfort to many in our community during their happy times and during their times of challenge or mourning. Thank you Brother Dave (and Sis. Helen) for forming a part of who I grew up to be.Sister RuthBe sure to look at his Memorial by clicking on this link. Pastor David Larkin