A fresh slate, a time to start afresh, new goals and promises. We can get quite cynical about the hoopla and about the prospects of real change in our life. Even Christians long for something real that will propel them forward. That something is more than will power, goals, or good ideas. It begins with sowing the Word in our hearts and taking steps of obedience. You know sometimes we want to do great things for God, but we have trouble doing the little acts of obedience that God asks of us. The other day...I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to speak to someone about an issue...I didn't want to do it because I thought it would be alright to let the matter slide...but the Holy Spirit made real to me the need to speak up. I had a choice to make. In truth the best goal we can have is not something that takes will power to accomplish...but rather to place ourselves in a position to hear God's voice and then to do what He asks us to do. It may be to submit to someone in authority even when you would rather do it your own way, it may be foregoing the midnight snack that you want, it may be speaking to someone at work about the gospel , it may seem small in scope. Remember that obedience to God in the small things and in the big things brings us into a place where God can trust us. It brings us to a new beginning. A launching pad for the future God has planned for us. God is not against planning In the planning listen to the voice of the Great planner and allow him to guide your path.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Beginnings
A fresh slate, a time to start afresh, new goals and promises. We can get quite cynical about the hoopla and about the prospects of real change in our life. Even Christians long for something real that will propel them forward. That something is more than will power, goals, or good ideas. It begins with sowing the Word in our hearts and taking steps of obedience. You know sometimes we want to do great things for God, but we have trouble doing the little acts of obedience that God asks of us. The other day...I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to speak to someone about an issue...I didn't want to do it because I thought it would be alright to let the matter slide...but the Holy Spirit made real to me the need to speak up. I had a choice to make. In truth the best goal we can have is not something that takes will power to accomplish...but rather to place ourselves in a position to hear God's voice and then to do what He asks us to do. It may be to submit to someone in authority even when you would rather do it your own way, it may be foregoing the midnight snack that you want, it may be speaking to someone at work about the gospel , it may seem small in scope. Remember that obedience to God in the small things and in the big things brings us into a place where God can trust us. It brings us to a new beginning. A launching pad for the future God has planned for us. God is not against planning In the planning listen to the voice of the Great planner and allow him to guide your path.
New Video next week after Christmas and New Year's . Micaiah Ministries now has a sermon player similar to ours with both song cd's and sermons. I'm going to be listening to the Sermon entiltled Becoming Less Vulnerable to Enemy Attacks . Click here to go to their sermon player Micaiah Ministries.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Party: Let's try again
Living in the North Country can be an adventure. Sunday morning when we got to the church with Sis. Evie in the car with us, we realized that if it kept snowing that by the time church and the Christmas part were over we might have a situation where everyone was stuck. So with two cell phones we began going down the list calling those we could telling them that we'd have to cancel services. Br. Earl put a notice on WWNY for us. I hope you all had a nice restful day. We decided to leave the tables up. We'll get a cake and have a little party after church. Sis. Kay sent me this link and I think you will really enjoy it. The First Christmas Gift
We did not do another video or audio this week so here is an audio sermon from our archives called "I will build My church" Simply click on the button.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Getting ready for the Christmas Party
It's time again for the Living Waters Christmas Party. This year we will hold it at the church after morning service...aprox. 12:15. Games and prizes and fellowship have made our celebration something to look forward to all year. Pastors sermon will be from the Cradle to the Cross will remind us of the great gift that God gave us through Jesus.
This weeks video teaching is Kingdom Principles 3. It deals with Unity in the body of Christ and avoiding divison. Click the triangle on the player to start the video.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Recent Video
I'm testing to see if I can put a mini player here on the blog of the recent video teaching.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Best Gifts
The other day when I was subbing in a local elementary school the teachers aides and I were singing a song which I love and Pastor John hates. You may know the lyrics...."let is snow, let it snow, let it snow" Pastor takes the fact that the words of our mouth are important seriously especially when it comes to snow. Saturday...he spent several hours snow blowing between our house, the church, and my fathers driveway. After we were all done he prayed, "Father, I ask that we don't have a snow storm like predicted tonight." (He didn't want to have to get up early and plow the church for Sunday morning and my Dad told us there was an 80 percent chance of snow overnight) God answered his prayer and when I put the dogs out at 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning there was no snow. By 7:00 a.m. the snow was coming down...but not so bad to hinder church. So next time we'll add "until after church". The celebration of Christmas in December reminds us that God's greatest gift is not the delay of snow....it is the giving of Jesus to the world as Immanuel "God with Us" and the invitation to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. The Bible tells us in Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. "NKJV God desires to reconcile His wayward children to himself. Sin separates...repentance and acceptance of Jesus and the finished work of the cross changes us from the inside out allowing us to live in the fullness of life.
Look for the second video in our series sometime this week.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Video Is Finally Here.
What a day it's been trying to get the video up and running! We really believe that God is going to bless through this media outlet. We look forward to teaching series with Pastor John and myself and the testimonies and teaching series of those in our church and the body of Christ in the North Country.
Click here to take a look at our first video. (our first internet video teaching) Click on Kingdom Principles and then the play button. It just takes a few moments to buffer. The great thing is we will improve as we go along.
Sis. Ruth
Click here to take a look at our first video. (our first internet video teaching) Click on Kingdom Principles and then the play button. It just takes a few moments to buffer. The great thing is we will improve as we go along.
Sis. Ruth
Monday, December 1, 2008
The launch of LWF video internet ministry is near
Yesterday was an exciting day for us at Living Waters Fellowship. We've transformed a section of the fellowship room to begin our video ministry. Pastor John and Sister Ruth have started a series called Kingdom Principles at the 3:30 p.m. service. We will also be interviewing some of our church folks in the coming weeks. They all have wonderful testimonies of God's grace in their lives. It may take a few weeks to get things loaded up here on the web, but we will announce it to the church and blog list. We thank Charles and Leesa for their help in this endeavor. Also for those who came and were part of our first audience. Pray for us as we launch into new territory. We believe God has ordained this and that He will use it to be a blessing.
Last night I found some very good videos that someone uploaded on Godtube. Just click on the video feed and you will be able to see them. If you receive our blog automatically on your home page you may need to go directly to lwfchurchblog.blogspot.com to see the video
Tom and Jerry with great edits
Can't Give up Now
Can't Give up Now
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
Every year we gather together as families in the United States to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Our Canadian friends celebrate on a different day. I love the season with is bright colors , pies , turkey's and best of all the family fun and togetherness. My mother started a tradition that we all used to groan about...we each had to take a turn around the table saying what we were thankful for in our life. I remember quickly trying to think of something that would satisfy her request. My attempt was not a lie, but it was never really thought out in a meaningful way. I wonder if we go through the day forgetting what it really means. We all know that the ideal sometimes gets marred with unpleasant things. Family meltdowns or strains, inability of some family members to celebrate with us, stress of preparation, or money problems can leave some of us wondering what there is to be thankful about. When we remember the first Thanksgiving the Pilgrims celebrated we can get a glimpse of what the day can mean to us. They had endured a hard winter, lack of food, sickness and death in their families and community, homesickness and a myriad of other outside sources of discouragement. In the midst of that better weather, the friendship of Indians who helped them plant crops and learn what to eat and what to avoid, brought them hope for the future and restored faith in the Hand of God upon their life. It wasn't that they forgot all of their hard ache...they simply chose to see that Jesus didn't forsake them and they were thankful for the provision they received. I'm convinced that sometimes we don't see God's provision or another persons contribution because our eyes are on yesterdays pain or today's problem. Thanksgiving doesn't deny hard things in life rather it chooses to change the filter and really see the things big and small that are reasons to rejoice. This year as I look at the table and see my mother 's place empty and my eldest unable to come home I have to change the way I look at things. I chose to remember their love and the ways they've brougth joy. I may shed some tears, but they are mingled with thanks to God , family and friends for all that God has provided. Can you think of a few specific things to be thankful for around your table this Thanksgiving Day that will hold real meaning to you? I'd love to have you write about some of those things in the comment section. Simply click the envelope underneath this post and write your comment.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A New Direction
Yesterday as the church members entered the sanctuary they were faced with seating going in a new direction. Most chose to find a seat as close to the proximity where they were accustomed to sitting while others ventured out to find their new place in this new direction. Many people resist change for the fear the uncertainty, I had told them the previous Sunday that it would be different this week, some expressed concerns, I need my chair, or my view. God is continually asking us to stretch our borders, go beyond our comfort limits and to launch out into the deep. When He brings a change in our lives or situations we can embrace it or rebel. Oftentimes He may only want to see if we are willing, but sometimes He is trying to create a new vortex in our lives that will draw us closer to Him. Are you willing?
Pastor John
Pastor John
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Keith Moore in Syracuse and Church News
Living Waters Fellowship has been blessed by Keith Moore Ministries and the biblical teaching on such subjects as faith, healing and prosperity. We always look forward to my sisters' visits and news of Faith Life Church. So I’m happy to announce that Br. Moore will be in East Syracuse the 25th of this month at 7:30 p.m. It’s our hope that some of you will be able to attend. Abundant Life Christian Center will host the event. The Web-site for the church is http://www.alcclife.org We will hand out direction sheets at church for those interested in going. Their phone number is (315) 463-7300
Pastor John has been busy rearranging the church. He is excited about getting the sound system formatted correctly and he believes that the change will help the atmosphere of praise. I’ve been busy this week working on the web-site. I found a sight which allowed me to add an interactive calendar with a complete description of events. I still have some areas to fix and to improve upon. I’m still working on the header of the sight…but am pleased that I at least have a solid background now instead of the one that looked like a pair of sunglasse mixed in a sea of blue. Also a feature was added to our LWFChurchblog which automatically puts new blog entries on your google, bloglinks, netvibes, newsgater, my yahoo or atom pages. You can sign up to receive both post and comments on these pages making it easier to know when new entries have been posted. Google is my home page so new entries show up there now.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day
The other day I substituted in a local high school and some of the younger teachers were discussing the date of Veterans Day. They bemoaned the fact that it breaks up the schedule of the week and makes it seem to both teachers and students like there are two Mondays that week. I might have joined in with them if I hadn't just read the history of the day for a gift we were preparing for the Veterans who attend our church. Indeed for a time our country did change the day to Monday for convenience sake . The history of the day is that on November 11th at 11:00 a.m. the first World War ended. After bitter fighting the war to end all wars was over and people in many European nations along with the United States had celebrations on November 11 at 11 o’clock for years following. It became apparent that other wars would come and there would be a need to appreciate all veterans from all wars, but the date meant something to the people. It was a day that victory over evil was achieved, a day when the horror of war ended, and the country looked toward brighter days ahead. Perhaps as vets and people from that generation pass away the date will be regulated to a Monday like the rest, but I think it will loose the value of history. Perhaps our schools and churches would do well to remember the date.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Prayer for The President Elect
You may be rejoicing over the new pick for President or as some have described it you may be in mourning. Scripture tells us that we are to pray for our leaders and so whether or not you voted for President Elect Barack Obama our assignment as Christians is to begin to cover him and his family with prayer. Those who are disappointed by his victory may have to shed the fear that things are going to go downhill for our nation. Do we still believe that God can speak to the hearts of kings? Do we still believe that God is in control? Do we still believe that God answers prayer in 2008? What would happen if God's people in mass began to pray in earnest for our next President and first lady?
Here are some links that give food for though.
10 Ways to Pray for President Elect Barack Obama
Kim Clement on the results of the election
Here are some links that give food for though.
10 Ways to Pray for President Elect Barack Obama
Kim Clement on the results of the election
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pray for our Election
The Word of God tells us to pray for our leaders. It can be hard during the election process because we tire of the mud that seems to get slung back and forth. We get frustrated some times because it seems in the natural that we don't have a voice to create real change. The truth is though we do have a voice. We can listen to God and vote our conscience. Let's believe together that our Sovereign God is able to help this nation choose its next leader.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pastor David Larkin
My Childhood pastor David Larkin went to be with the Lord Yesterday. He pastored a church in the same city as our church. It was fitting that he made his journey on the Lord's Day. My first impression might have been the candy he always kept in his pocket at the end of church, or the way he used to reach for his comb while preaching and unconsciously comb his hair (though he worked at breaking that habit), but over the years the thing that stuck was his steadfast love for the people God brought to him. "Just Serve Jesus" he used to say. I didn't understand that phrase at first because he'd say it in good times and bad. He meant of course that in this life through good or bad we need to have an unwavering faith in Jesus come what may. A faith that says, "God has the answer and will bring us through in victory". He loved us faults and all, he was not shy about correcting , encouraging you do your best or dealing out appreciation for a job well done. Pastor Dave officiated at our wedding, and my mother's funeral....He brought joy and comfort to many in our community during their happy times and during their times of challenge or mourning. Thank you Brother Dave (and Sis. Helen) for forming a part of who I grew up to be.
Sister Ruth
Be sure to look at his Memorial by clicking on this link. Pastor David Larkin
Sister Ruth
Be sure to look at his Memorial by clicking on this link. Pastor David Larkin
Sunday, August 10, 2008
City Code officer okays the Summer Work
Wow, Praise the Lord. It seemed absolutely insurmountable. Our building is an old tank factory and the portion farthest away from the sanctuary had a wall fall down last winter. The testimonies of God's goodness go on and on. We needed some finances to even get the project started plus we were on a time limit imposed by the city. Our building had a crane that we took down and sold for scrap. Thing is it didn't come down easily and we faced it being a problem that could have stopped us dead in our tracks...BUT God is our refuge in times of trouble. We really had to fight the thought that it couldn't be done...and that we'd have to give up our building. We worked steadily one task at a time. Pastor John worked despite sore hands and body aches. Church members gave up their weekends and days off and helped us. We've got more things to do with our building....we are believing God for the finances and the ability to complete all task. With God all things are possible.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Lord's Prayer Sung by 2 year old
I found this really cute video of a little girl singing the Lord's Prayer. It really blessed me....I hope you'll sing and pray along.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's a busy summer
We've been working hard on the church building and things are coming along slowly but surely. We declare that this is God's project and the building will be completed ...He is our source in all things. We will finish what must be finished this summer and begin to save toward the future stages of the projects....knowing that God is able to finance without hinderence what He has called into being.
Pastor Johns Sermon was Ever Start to Sing and forget to think. Click here twice to listen.
The Bible says that spiritual songs can be a source of encouragement and teaching. That means it is very important that we watch what we sing....and that we sing we listen to the words. Music gets into our soul (our mind, will and emotion) like few things can.
Sister Ruth's sermon was on the Revelation of Christ: The Alpha and the Omega. As I listened to the cd I realized I mispoke once and called John the Apostle...John the baptist. Click here twice to hear the message and to find my blooper.
Pastor Johns Sermon was Ever Start to Sing and forget to think. Click here twice to listen.
The Bible says that spiritual songs can be a source of encouragement and teaching. That means it is very important that we watch what we sing....and that we sing we listen to the words. Music gets into our soul (our mind, will and emotion) like few things can.
Sister Ruth's sermon was on the Revelation of Christ: The Alpha and the Omega. As I listened to the cd I realized I mispoke once and called John the Apostle...John the baptist. Click here twice to hear the message and to find my blooper.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A Crowd or a Movement
Last year when Micaiah Ministries came Bro. Kent expounded on the subject “A Crowd or a Movement“. A crowd can be good, but if that crowd doesn’t advance in the things of God they are nothing more than seat fillers. Kent talked about the charismatic revival of the late 60’s and early 70’s when “Jesus People” got a heart for those around them. They desired that people be changed from the inside out…not simply be part of a crowd. This was a time of war in Vietnam, war protest, and racial upheaval, sounds a little like today. With a desire toward discipleship, evangelism and Bible study revival fires broke out simultaneously in many parts of the nation. The gospel changes people. Today is a time like that…a time when we need passion for the things of God. We can look at our world now and see similarities to the birth of the “Jesus People” movement. What does God want to birth in you and through you?
Simply click the button below to hear Kent's sermon.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I found a great Memorial Day Video 2008
that I'd love to share. It shows our military and the work and sacrifices they make for us....we appreciate what they do for us and for the countries where they are located. Many thanks to Godtube that enables us to share videos and place them on our web-sites and to the person who uploaded it.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Micaiah Ministries will be coming to the church August 24th to visit us again. I’ve been pondering their sermons from last year for the last month. Brother Todd talked about Faith that finds a way. He talked about the four men who cooperated together to bring their sick friend to Jesus. He reminded us that doing God’s will requires something more from us. One statement Todd made keeps coming back to me again and again….”We really don’t believe something unless it alters the way we do things.” I’ve been blessed to hear testimonies of our folks speaking to others in new and different ways about the gospel beyond the four walls. I have confidence that as a church we will continue to make the commitment to listen to the Spirit of God being willing to “find means or a way” to do what Jesus asks us to do. Another statement Todd made in his sermon was, “What we find important we will make time for!” I’ve been challenge all over again by this message and I hope it will stir your heart too. Simply click the button below to hear Todd's sermon. Look for Kent's sermon to be featured in the next few days.
Stir it Up
Pastor John brought dark coca mixes to church and plugged in the coffee maker for hot water. Volunteers from the audience showed that even a drink that taste wonderful needs to be stirred up to get the full effect. Listen in as Pastor John reveals things that our Heavenly Father tells us need to be stirred up within our hearts for the best effect.
Simply click the button on the mini player to hear the sermon
Simply click the button on the mini player to hear the sermon
Friday, May 2, 2008
Healing Scripture CD
My sister Debra came home to visit my Dad and us last week. She helped Pastor John complete a project that was long in the planning. It is a CD of Healing Scriptures with a background of soothing praise. I know you'll be blessed. Use the new link labeled Listen to Healing Scripture under the Links section on the right side of the blog.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Historian from the US Army Corps came
to visit the church today. The Corps has sent him to various places where the military used to own buildings. Our building was a tank factory in WWII as well as being used for munitions in WWI He came to see what became of these buildings and what the impact was when they left. Pastor John enjoyed talking to him....and as I glean more historical information from him I'll post it.
Much more needs to be done to complete our building. Sometimes the task seems insurmountable, but we know God is able. If you'd like to contribute to the fixing of our building which in turn helps us fullfill the vision God's placed on the church...write us through the comment page. I hope to have a pay pal account up soon.
Speaking of our military. Take a look at the Ft. Drum home page and Remember to pray for our soldiers both here and abroad everyday. http://www.drum.army.mil/sites/local/
Monday, February 25, 2008
Taste and See
What a delicious Sunday. I mean that literally. Many of us are still thinking about the Chocolate Cheese Cake that Pastor John had the ushers pass out at the beginning of service. Confusion set in for a moment as the sweet smell of chocolate wafted in the air and down the aisle. The topic was based on the Scripture, Psalms 34:8 “ O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” KJV Mouth’s watered as they waited for the cake to arrive at their seat. It is not every Sunday that you are encouraged to eat during a message.
The passage tells us that God desires mankind to take a taste of His love for them.
The passage tells us that God desires mankind to take a taste of His love for them.
There are so many of us that feel as if God is sitting on His throne waiting to pound us if we make a mistake. When really He wants us to look to Him for help to change and become the person He created us to be. We have to take a taste of His love for us and see for ourselves.
In the verse before God promises that His angels encamp round about in protection of God’s people and in the verse after God promises provision. Taste and see and be blessed.
Some of us chaff against the message because we’ve had some bad taste associated with God. Maybe people have hurt us. Maybe we haven’t gotten an answer to prayer in the way we wanted. Maybe we are in circumstances that seem so hard. The Lord beckons’ us to taste and believe His love and care for us.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Principles of Praise Series
Pastor John spoke this week on the fact that we need to frequently come into the Presence of the Lord. It is not rote or obligation...when we will be willing to make an effort to immerse ourselves in His presence he will come near to us. Pastor encouraged us this week to draw near. Hear are 3 different types of songs that will touch the hearts of people. Choose one today and come boldy into the throne room.
My Redeemer Lives
My Hope is in you
LIfehouse Skit
My Redeemer Lives
My Hope is in you
LIfehouse Skit
Friday, January 25, 2008
Revealed when you least expect it
I found a funny video on Godtube labled Horrible Baby Sitter.
Like the babysitter in this video we may think no one sees what is going on in our everyday life until the truth is revealed. The ending of this video shows that only God can erase sin and bring a person to Himself. As I thought about it I was reminded that even Christians who are on their way to heaven need to remember that they have a God who sees our life and corrects us as father would because He loves us and wants us to live an abundant life. Have you ever had a moment of "corrective revelation"?
Like the babysitter in this video we may think no one sees what is going on in our everyday life until the truth is revealed. The ending of this video shows that only God can erase sin and bring a person to Himself. As I thought about it I was reminded that even Christians who are on their way to heaven need to remember that they have a God who sees our life and corrects us as father would because He loves us and wants us to live an abundant life. Have you ever had a moment of "corrective revelation"?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"I have a dream"----What is your Character?
Martin Luther King Day, Written Sunday---
Earlier today after church my husband and I talked to our son , Joshua about his plans since there is no school on Martin Luther King Day. He'll be working and studying for midterms. I got wondering if sometimes special days slip by as just an extra day off without thought about what the day means. I began to think about Kings famous "I have a dream speech" and one line resounded in my spirit. " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." I ask myself black, white, yellow, whatever color we are....looking to the truth of this statement would we be satisfied with the judgment of our character? I'm not talking about legalistic rules that bind us and take our freedom from us, but of choosing to do that wihich is right in God's eyes. I'm talking about choosing to walk in intergrity rather than the easy way which selfishly chooses that which helps our cause regardless of the effects on others. If people judged us upon our character would they find us honest and hardworking? Would they find us growing in the fruit of the Spirit and walking in the character of God? What steps are you taking this year to improve your godly character. What changes would you have to make if truly others judged us by our character rather than something as superficial as our color. Listen to the whole Martin Luther King speech with this link and ask the Lord to challenge you on this day of remembrance. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
Earlier today after church my husband and I talked to our son , Joshua about his plans since there is no school on Martin Luther King Day. He'll be working and studying for midterms. I got wondering if sometimes special days slip by as just an extra day off without thought about what the day means. I began to think about Kings famous "I have a dream speech" and one line resounded in my spirit. " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." I ask myself black, white, yellow, whatever color we are....looking to the truth of this statement would we be satisfied with the judgment of our character? I'm not talking about legalistic rules that bind us and take our freedom from us, but of choosing to do that wihich is right in God's eyes. I'm talking about choosing to walk in intergrity rather than the easy way which selfishly chooses that which helps our cause regardless of the effects on others. If people judged us upon our character would they find us honest and hardworking? Would they find us growing in the fruit of the Spirit and walking in the character of God? What steps are you taking this year to improve your godly character. What changes would you have to make if truly others judged us by our character rather than something as superficial as our color. Listen to the whole Martin Luther King speech with this link and ask the Lord to challenge you on this day of remembrance. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
Monday, January 14, 2008
Principles of Praise
Pastor John has been speaking about the Principles of Praise the past few weeks and I'll have the sermons loaded on the web-site soon. One comment he made has really stuck with me. He said that he loves to sing and praise in the car. That is so true. We've been married 20 years and I can attest we've always had praise on in the car and he loves it....thankfully as he mentioned....he never closes his eyes while driving. Tonight as I was on God tube I came across a sweet video of a gentelman singing in his car with all his heart. Here it is. What ways do you like to praise the Lord? I love to type my praise on the computer while listening to praise music. Perhaps you'd like to upload a video to Godtube.com and then either send me a link to upload it here through the comments page of the church website or the comments here on the blog . We'd love to hear from you today. Praise the Lord.
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